Sunset Cottages offers comfortable 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom cottages. All cottages offer fully equipped kitchens and baths, barbecue grills, picnic table, cable TV and free parking for one car. Heat and air conditioning are available in all our units. We require a two night minimum stay between Labor Day and Memorial Day. During our summer season between Memorial Day and Labor Day
we require a 7 day minimum stay.

!!Breaking News!!
Individual Sunset Cottages now for sale!!!
For information call 315 762-0000
Prices starting at $114,900
→ End of Summer? ←
Spend the last holiday of summer with us!
Units available for Labor Day weekend
Call Us - 315 762-4093 - Don't delay
Contact us today!
Stay with us in 2018-2019!

Coming Events
The 'Tree House'